
Isabel Ruthven,
Deputy Head of Franklin School, Careers Lead


Careers Advice

It is never too early to start thinking about your future plans. All students receive unbiased careers advice and Sixth Form students conduct a work experience placement and have the opportunity to be involved in workplace taster day if they wish to investigate possible career options.

Careers Activity Plan

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Skills Analysis Survey

Unifrog Launch

STEM Careers Assembly

IT in the Workplace (basic)

National Careers Week Activities


Careers Options Presentation

Safer Internet Impact on Recruitment

Tutor: Personal Finance

Tutor: Employment Session

World Cultural Diversity Day

Employer, Education Providers and Apprenticeship Providers Workshop

Parents’ Evening

Unifrog (advanced)

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Skills Analysis Survey

Unifrog Launch

STEM Careers Assembly

National Careers Week Activities

Parents’ Evening

Apprenticeship and Future Options Assembly

Safer Internet and the Impact of Social Media on Recruitment Possibilities

Career Options Presentation

Tutor: Employment Programme

Unifrog (advanced)

World Cultural Diversity Day

Employer, Education Providers and Apprenticeship Providers Workshop

Tutor: Employment Session

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Skills Analysis Survey

Unifrog Launch

STEM Careers Assembly

National Careers Week Activities

Business Studies / Coca-Cola Visit

Parents’ Evening

Apprenticeship and Future Options Assembly

GCSE Options Process, Advice and Guidance Options Events

Tutor: Routes into Work and Training

Careers and Apprenticeship Activities (Google Classroom)

Business Entrepreneur Guest Speaker

World Cultural Diversity Day

Employer, Education Providers and Apprenticeship Providers Workshop

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Careers and Apprenticeship Activities (Google Classroom)

Unifrog Launch

CEIAG Interviews

Careers Event

Maths Challenge Day

National Careers Week Activities

Apprenticeship and Future Options Assembly

Winter & Smith Ltd. Employer Engagement Activity

MBTI Analysis

Tutor; Labour Market Information, Employment (including work-life balance)

Group Career Sessions

Parents’ Evening

World Cultural Diversity Day

Morgan Sindall – Introduction to the Built Environment

Employer, Education Providers and Apprenticeship Providers Workshop

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Next Steps Presentation

Unifrog Launch

Careers Event

Careers STEM Assembly

PPE Results

Maths Challenge Day

Sixth Form Open Evening

National Careers Week Activities

Apprenticeship Presentation

Parents’ Evening Destination Support

Student Question Time

MBTI Analysis

Hawking School Presentation

Tutor: Employability Skills

Destination Interviews

World Cultural Diversity Day

Sixth Form Taster Breakfast

Morgan Sindall – Introduction to the Built Environment

Apprenticeship 2022

Careers Event

University of Greenwich Presentation

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Tutor Programme: Futures

Greenwich University Presentation on Student Finance

Unifrog Launch

Tutor: Challenging Online Content that Affects Recruitment Potential

University Assembly

Uptree Guess Assembly

UCAS Personal Statement Day

Careers Event

STEM Professional Mentors Launch

NCS Guest Assembly

Employment Taster Day

Parents Evening

Student Finance Presentation

Tutor Programme: Futures

UCAS Final Deadline

Apprenticeship Presentation

Greenwich University Financial Support Presentation

Business Studies / Coca-Cola Visit

Winter & Smith Ltd Employer Engagement Activity

Tutor Sessions (PSHE): STEM Professional Mentors Work Tasters

Parents Evening

Careers Support

Work Experience

Engineering Work Placement Visit

Tallow Chandlers – Student Question Time

National Careers Week Activities

MBTI Analysis

Tutor: Employability Skills


Tutor Programme: Destinations

UCAS Individual support and Personal Statement Workshops

Cultural Capital week: Volunteering and Jumping off of the page

STEM Professional Mentors Work Tasters

Sixth Form Work Experience

World Cultural Diversity Day

University Open Days

NCS Visit

NHS Roles – Virtual Insight into NHS Careers

Morgan Sindall – Introduction to the Built Environment

CGI (Virtual) – Getting a Job in Computing/IT

Apprenticeship 2022 Careers Event (Stationers)

Visit from Canterbury Christchurch

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Tutor Programme: Destinations

Individual UCAS Support (including early entry support and guidance, and interview support)

Greenwich University Presentation on Student Finance

Unifrog Launch

UCAS Personal Statement Day

Careers Event

MBTI Analysis

NCS Guest Assembly

Year 13 Personal Statement Writing Task

Parents Evening

Careers STEM Assembly

Student Finance Presentation

“Tutor: Part-time Employment Rights and Responsibilities
Trade Unions and Bullying in the Workplace.”

Oxbridge Entry Support Day

Tutor Programme: Career Progression

Individual UCAS Support (in preparation for January deadline)

Apprenticeship Presentation

Greenwich University Financial Support Presentation

Winter & Smith Ltd Employer Engagement Activity

Tutor Sessions (PSHE) STEM Professional Mentors Work Tasters

Parents Evening

Careers Support

Work Experience

Engineering Work Placement Visit

Student Question Time

National Careers Week Activities

Tutor: Personal Finance and Salary Deductions

Tutor Programme: Career Progression

Individual UCAS Support and introduction into the clearing process

STEM Professional Mentors Work Tasters

Sixth Form Work Experience

World Cultural Diversity Day

NHS Roles – Virtual insight into NHS careers

Morgan Sindall – Introduction to the built environment

CGI (Virtual) – getting a job/computing/IT

Apprenticeship 2022 Careers Event (Stationers)