Reflective Project

The reflective project provides students the opportunity to explore an issue which particularly interests them, and to develop skills which will be of value to them in the future.

It is an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period and submitted towards the end of the CP. The reflective project is one of the CP’s four core components.

The reflective project is designed to draw together key elements of students’ wider scheme of study:

1. their career-related study

2. the other components of the CP core (language development, service learning, personal and professional skills)

3. their Diploma Programme courses.

Students are required to identify and explore an ethical dilemma associated with an issue that arises from their career-related studies and then develop a well-reasoned argument based on appropriate supporting evidence.

Goals of the Reflective Project:

  • Produce an extended piece of work.
  • Engage in personal inquiry, action and reflection (PLAN, DO, REFLECT) on a specific ethical issue.
  • Develop research and communication skills.
  • Develop the skills of critical and creative thinking.

Process of the Reflective Project:

Uses your career-related studies as a focus for the chosen issue.

Utilises the skills you develop in Personal and Professional Skills such as the ability to create a reasoned argument, to understand ethical dilemmas and to prepare the structure and format of the project itself.

Uses the skills and knowledge you develop in your Service Learning project.

Format of the reflective project

Students can choose to present their reflective project in two different ways:

Option 1 – A written essay (maximum 3,000 words) plus reflections (maximum 1000 words) on the Reflections on planning and progress form.

Option 2 – A written essay (1,500-2,000 words) accompanied by an additional format (film, oral presentation, interview, play, or display), plus reflections (maximum 1000 words) on the Reflections on planning and progress form.


You must consider an ethical dilemma within your career related study (BTEC, or other vocational course). But first we need to consider what ethics are.

There are lots of useful ideas about ethics you can find here on the BBC website.

Academic Honesty

It is crucial that all work you submit is your own, and that any references you make are appropriately cited. You will spend some time learning how to do this at the start of your reflective project course.

Our Academic Honesty policy can be found below.

Assessment Criteria

You will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Select and explore an ethical dilemma embedded in an issue linked to a career-related context,
  • Select and apply appropriate research methods and collect and select relevant information from a variety of sources, showing an understanding of bias and validity.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the issue,
  • Contextualize the ethical dilemma and analyse different perspectives on it through the use of a local/global example of the issue in which the dilemma is embedded,
  • Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the impact of the ethical dilemma on a local/global community and the cultural influences on, and perceptions of, the ethical dilemma.
  • Demonstrate logical reasoning processes and the ability to interpret, analyse and evaluate material,
  • Develop the ability to synthesise information, making connections and linking ideas and evidence.

Present a structured and coherent project, use appropriate terminology accurately and consistently, and communicate ideas and concepts clearly.

  • Reflect on and refine the research process, and react to insights gained through exploration of the ethical dilemma,
  • Critique decisions made throughout the research process and suggest improvements to their own working practices.

In total there are 36 marks available.

Useful Links and Handouts

Google Scholar

Reflective Project Student Guide – In development