End of Year 11 Arrangements and Loan Device Return

Two female students are pictured sat together at a desk, beside a large window, working on Chromebook laptops.

Dear Parent/Carer

End of Year 11 Arrangements and Loan Device Return

Today is the last exam where the entire cohort of Year 11 is together. We have been both extremely proud and impressed with students’ conduct and commitment throughout the exam period and they should feel very proud of themselves. For the majority of students, today marks the end of the exam period, with some remaining exams still to take place this afternoon and next week. We continue to wish the very best for students who are still to sit exams.

At 11.15am today, students who do not have either a Geography or D&T exam preparation session will be dismissed from the Academy. They will be escorted to the back gate and should go directly home. Students who are in receipt of a Free School Meal will be invited to collect their entitlement at this time. Those students who are remaining on site will be dismissed once they have completed their session/afternoon exam. Students who have exams to complete next week are required to attend on time, as they have been, in full Academy uniform and follow the same procedures continuing to meet our high expectations. Breakfast booster sessions will continue to run for the remaining exams as will revision sessions during the Academy day.

Loan Device Return
Following the completion of the summer examinations, students are now required to return their 1-1 Loan Chromebook Device to the Academy. If your child is continuing at the Academy for their sixth form studies, they will be issued a brand-new device when they enrol with us for Year 12.

Your child is required to return their Chromebook and charger to the Academy on Wednesday 21st June between 9.30am and 10.30am. Students should enter the Academy via the front gate and meet with a member of the Academy Leadership Team in Reception where they will be directed to the Main Hall.

It is a requirement that all devices issued to students are returned to the Academy in line with the Loan Agreement. Failure to return the device will result in the family being liable for its replacement and charged accordingly. Failure to return the device may also impact your child’s ability to collect their GCSE results.

Following the return of their device, all students will be provided with an opportunity to say goodbye to available members of staff and their peers as they come to the end of their GCSE journey. This will also include the opportunity for students to sign each other’s shirts and donate any unwanted items of uniform back to the Academy for our second hand uniform store. Students will be dismissed from the Academy from 10:30am, but can leave before this time if they wish.

Thank you in advance for your support in ensuring that your child’s device is returned safely to the Academy on the 21st June. More information about arrangements for GCSE results day on Thursday 24th August will be forthcoming and we would encourage you to ensure that your child is available to collect their results on this day. Likewise, you will soon receive information about our induction day for Year 12 if your child has applied to attend our sixth form. If you have any questions then please contact the Academy using the central email address admin@thehalleyacademy.org.uk.

Yours faithfully,
Ben Russell